Thursday, November 29, 2012

Good Evening Everyone,
I received very good news .....   My BRCA genetic testing, which was a genetic test for the breast cancer gene, was negative.  This means that neither one of my parents carried the gene, they could not have passed it on to me, and therefore I can not pass it on to Shawn and Lindsay, because I do not carry the gene.  My breast cancer was caused by environmental factors. 

It is a tremendous relief for me, because although I have passed on my traits to my daughters, I really didn't want to pass on the breast cancer gene.  To me, that would be devastating.  I don't want my girls to have to go through all that I have gone through, in their life.  I hope they have babies one day and nurse them forever, and love every moment of that bonding experience.  Please God!

Today I received a beautiful email from my friend, Joan.  It started out....  Thanks for being angels in my life....  Joan, my beautiful friend Joan, thinks that I am an angel in her life.   Wow!

The email begins.....  You are in your car driving home.  Thoughts wander to the game you want to see or meal you want to eat, when suddenly a sound unlike any you've ever heard fills the air.  The sound is high above you.  A trumpet?  A choir?   A choir of trumpets?  You don't know, but you want to know.....  So you pull over, get out of your car and look up..  As you do, you see you are not the only curious one.  The roadside has become a parking lot.  Car doors are open, people are staring at the sky...  Shoppers are racing out of the grocery store.  The Little League baseball game across the street has come to a halt.  Players and parents are searching the clouds And what they see, and what you see, has never before been seen.

As if the sky were a curtain, the drapes of the atmosphere part....  a brilliant light spills onto the earth...  There are no shadows.  None.  From every hue ever seen and a million more never seen...  Riding on the flow is an endless fleet of angels.  They pass through the curtain one myriad at a time, until they occupy every square inch of the sky.  North....South ..... East....  West.

Thousands of silvery wings rise and fall in unison, and over the sound of trumpets, you can hear the cherubim and the seraphim chanting,   "Holy, Holy, Holy..."   The final flank of angels is followed by twenty-four silver bearded elders and a multitude of souls who join the angels in worship.  Suddenly, the heavens are quiet.  All is quiet.  The angels turn, you turn, the entire world turns and there HE IS....  Jesus. 

Through waves of light you see the silhouetted figure of  Christ the King.  He is atop a great stallion, and the stallion is atop a billowing cloud.  He opens His mouth, and you are surrounded by His declaration:  " I am the Alpha and the Omega."  The angels bow their heads....  The elders remove their crowns...And before you is a Figure so consuming that you KNOW, instantly you know:  Nothing else matters...  Forget stock markets and school reports:  Sales meetings and football games..  Nothing is newsworthy...  All that mattered, matters no more...  For Christ Has Come.

Oh my goodness...  Whoever wrote this, wrote something so visually compelling that it brought tears to my eyes.   I am so thankful that Joan shared this with me.  Thank you, Joan.

I really hope that when my last day on earth comes, and I am called to heaven, that Jesus comes for me with all the angels.  How breathtaking would that be.   I can assure you, I will run to the light...  I am not afraid to die.

 My life has been truly magnificent.  I have been so blessed to have my wonderful parents who  had a beautiful marriage and gave me the most awesome childhood.  There was enough.  Enough love, time, attention, food, shelter, financial resources, clothing and joy. I have been blessed to have my good and loving husband and beautiful healthy daughters, my dear family and friends.  And I am blessed to have all the people who have entered  my life in the last year and four months.  I realize that life is all about perspective.  I am grateful for every single moment of time shared with everyone.   And when Jesus comes, I will get to see my Mom and Dad again.  Oh happy day!

And so, my wish for you this day, is that you choose to see all the blessings in your life and feel gratitude in your heart.  This is the only November 29, 2012 that you will ever receive!

En `Joy,


Monday, November 26, 2012

Good Evening Dear Friends,

It was good to see all my students again after Thanksgiving break.  They are all such "good eggs."  I feel so fortunate that I get to spend my days with them.  I was paid the sweetest compliment, today.  I greeted each student as they came into the classroom this morning and told them that I missed them.  One young man said, Mrs. Keane you are beautiful.  OH MY GOODNESS.  He is so cute.  Our students do not edit or have filters.  They just say whatever is on their minds.  Sometimes it is good, some times not so good and sometimes, it is a BLUE MOMENT.  Thank you DK for my Blue Moment today.

Our Friday evening with the Lynch's was fun.  Tim is hilarious and the four of us laughed so much as we walked the main street in Newtown, dined at Jake's and walked around and reminisced in Feeney's.  We decided to include the Lynch's next year for Thanksgiving and then spend Black Friday evening with them, enjoying the sights and sounds of Christmas.  Actually, Tim and I challenged Jim and Anita to plan our next adventure.  We shall see if they can top our Black Friday evening.  I am filled with anticipation over this challenge.  I love surprises.

Tomorrow we were taking our students to Rice's Market, but due to the impending inclement weather, we changed our plans to Happy Tymes.  We will go bowling instead.  Tomorrow will just be too cold and snowy to walk around Rice's Market.  This is the second time we had to reschedule this trip.  Once last year and now tomorrow.  We have never taken our student's to Rice's Market.  It is an acceptable place were they can go and tender the best amount, applying the money skills learned in the classroom to an authentic, experiential learning environment.  All other business establishments in our area, are not cost effective.

I received an email today with the following message attached:

What you dwell on is what you will draw into your life.  We can either focus on our problems, or we can focus on our blessings.  The question is do you want more problems, or do you want more blessings?  One thing I've noticed is that when you live with an attitude of constant gratitude, not only do you thank God for what He's done in your life, you start thanking Him for what He will do in your life.  You thank Him for opening doors for you in the future.  You thank Him for increasing you.  You thank Him for bringing the right people into your life.  When we say, "Thank You" to God for the things that are coming, it's really a declaration of our faith in Him.  It's like saying in essence, "God, I'm so sure of Your goodness, I'm so sure that You are working in my life that I'm going to thank you right now for what You are going to do tomorrow!"     Now that  is the kind of faith that pleases God.  

And so, my wish for you this evening, is that you say a prayer of thanks for all your blessings, and that you thank God in advance for all the blessings that will be bestowed upon you.

En` Joy,


Friday, November 23, 2012

Good Morning Everyone,
I have been in a whirlwind.  I said to Jim, I can't believe all these days have come and gone.  Do you notice that time seems to be elusive?  This is my season, my favorite season. The Christmas Season!!! And I love to prepare for the holidays.  I prepare early.  Well earlier than most of my friends and family.  It is because I want to accept every invitation, attend every open house at every garden center in our Bucks County area.  Bucks County is just beautiful but at Christmas time, ohhhh.  It just shines.

 So I have been decorating our home for Christmas and attended Bucks Country Gardens and the Rhodes Garden Open House.  I went to Bucks Country Gardens alone, and with my friend Joan to the Rhodes Garden, Robertson's and the Hill Company on our recent outing.  This past Sunday, I hosted 16 of my Special Ed graduates in our home for our Third Annual Holiday Gathering.   I make the phone call, and invite them and their parents, if they wish to attend.  It is OK with me if parents just want to drop the young people off, because the young people know what is expected.    The rules are, you must not share that you were invited to my home, because we can not have everyone and choose not include those students who have not graduated yet.  Attending the holiday gathering is like reunion time.  So they must not talk about me or the gathering on the phone, Internet or any social media site.  They understand.  Then I ask them to dress as if we are going to the Keswick.  They love to get dressed up for this gathering.  Thirdly, I say, your parents will probably say, we need to take something to the Keane's.  If they do, please say to your parents, Mrs. Keane just wants us to bring ourselves and our parents.  She said so.  

So Sunday at 4pm, like clock work, they all arrived, with beautiful smiles.  OH MY GOODNESS, my heart was filled with Joy.  The young people were warm and funny and polite.  Tom and Pat and Pat's brother, Michael came and Tom played Christmas songs on the guitar, while Joan led the sing along.  At one point, the kids asked me to sing a song, (I can't sing) and so I lip synced while Joan stood behind me and sang.  They loved it.  So much fun.  We went around the table and each person shared something about what they were doing presently.  There are 4 birthdays among the group in the month of November.  I said to Jim I think I should get a cake.  He said, you made all these treats, sandwiches, cheese and crackers and dips.  It is enough.   I didn't want to go against him, he is so amazing with all that he does to help me facilitate the day.  But I kind of wanted a cake.  With that, one of my students walked in and has not one but two boxes in his arms.  He said, I went to this little bakery, Mrs. Keane, and saw these two cakes and I just wanted to get them.  That was a blue moment.  How did he know I wanted a cake?   I think it was divine intervention.   When we sang Happy Birthday and cut the cake, we discovered that we had 35 guests and needed BOTH cakes.  God is awesome and so is CD.  I am so thankful CD listened to his heart that day.  

So after the gathering, we had 10 for dinner.  The Zaneski's, Fuller's and Keane's sat down to a crock pot chicken dinner with crab macaroni and cheese and salad.  It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

The next day I met my friend Connie at Good Eats, the diner in Doylestown.  Paul and Andrea Markert, Joan's nephew and niece own the establishment and the food is yummy.  Connie was kind enough to treat me to my delicious omelet and it was on the promise to pay forward the gift of being treated to her retirement luncheon by her friend, Diane.  So now I will pay it forward.  Whom shall I choose????  Hmmm

After breakfast, I met up with my friend Susan.  Susan was a principal years ago at our high school and now is living her best life.  She met up with a friend for lunch in Doylestown but stopped here on her way and we shared some tea, stories and conversation.  I KNOW that Susan is a piece of the puzzle in my life.  I don't have the full understanding, yet, but I know she is an integral part of my life tapestry.  

Susan shared a few concepts with me.  And because I believe, Knowledge is Power, and I want to empower others, I will share what she taught me.  There is something called The Most Respectful Interpretation.   Look it up.  Google It.   It means that we will not spend our precious time with others judging WHY they are saying or doing things.  We will honor them by having the MOST RESPECTFUL INTERPRETATION OF THEIR ACTIONS AND THOUGHTS.    We will trust that they are working, sharing, doing for the good of the whole and that their intention is to bring everyone and everything in the moment to its highest intention.  I love it! 

Susan said Marialyce, you and I are a lot alike.   I do agree with her to some degree, but she has her doctorate in education and is so incredibly intelligent and dynamic.  Charismatic really.  I think I pale in comparison.  But it is not about comparison.  It is bringing each other along and helping each other to reach our potential, our greatness, our excellence.    I said, Susan, you came into my life just when I needed you, all those years ago.  I didn't even know I needed you and you were there.  She responded, Oh no, Marialyce, it was me who needed you!   Wow!    I am thankful for Susan.  I said, I don't know what it is, but you give me this something....  This something that I need.  She said, Marialyce, I "SEE YOU."   Not the physical you, but the You, your soul.  I validate who you are and the mission that you are on.  I said, OH YES YOU DO!    I love the AHA moments in my life.  This moment actually turned into another Blue Moment.  Susan and I will work together again soon.  I can just feel it!

Then on Tuesday I had my doctor's appointments.  I was tested for the BRCA I and BRCA II genes for breast cancer.  Results will be in 2 weeks.  I am finding out if this breast cancer was a genetic predisposition or just a freak of nature.  There is no history of women having breast cancer on either side of my family, however, I recollect that my Uncle Bill on my father's side was diagnosed with breast cancer when he was about 65, thirty five years ago.  I will be pleased to know if I have the gene or not, so I know if Shawn and Lindsay need to be tested.  Please God, don't let me pass on something this grave to my cherubs.  I don't want them to have to bear this cross.  I will do anything to keep them out of harm's way.  Please God.

Then I saw Beth DuPree my surgeon.  I love her.  She gave me a good report, although I must say that I am lacking energy and my back bothers me.  I don't know what it is, but am not fearful of any cancer returning.  I am concerned about this woman I work with, Holly.  I am keeping her close to my heart and in my continuous thoughts and prayers.  Please pray for Holly.

Later on Tuesday, I met my friend, Sue for lunch at the Olive Garden.  It is our place  to go.  We had a lovely time catching up and sharing.  Sue is my sage.  She always tells me, Marialyce, let it unfold. Everything will be revealed in time.  And it is......

That evening, I met my new friend, Claudine at the Knight House.  She is a widow and a truly beautiful woman inside and out.  She has two great sons who cherish her and she is a delightful woman.  I think our friendship will develop into a lasting one.

And so, then I began to prepare for my Thanksgiving Feast.  We had 13 here yesterday.  Jim cooked an amazing feast for all of us.  He is such a good man.  He just knows how to do things.  He is calm and patient and gets the job done.  I was in charge of setting everything up and buying a lot of the items although, Shawn and Lindsay made many trips to Giant for things.  We had the four of us, Kevin, Judy, Kelly and Colleen and Trish, Megan, Chris and Allison and my Mother in Law, Sally.

Kelly made delicious desserts for all of us to enjoy.  She is a great baker, always trying new things and is always  successful.  Even, Megan's husband Chris said, that Carmel Apple Cheesecake is delicious.  Thank you for sharing your time, talent and treasure with us, Kelly.  I love you.

Everyone left our home  by 9pm.  It is now 9:30 the next morning and we are just about all cleaned up. It is absolutely the MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!

And now I will let you in on a little secret.  Jim is off today.   My friend Tim and I were texting, and I suggested that we surprise Jim and Anita, our spouses, and go to Newtown to walk Main Street, tonight and then to Feeney's in Southampton for the beautiful Christmas displays.  The Lynch's and Keane's are on equal footing when it comes to LOVE OF CHRISTMAS.   Our outing begins at 4 today.  I am excited for the adventure.  We will grab a bite to eat in a small cafe and maybe have some hot chocolate with whipped cream.  Doesn't that sound romantic.  We have not been on a double date together since we went to see Elton John when he was in town about a year ago.  I am getting excited.  I love adventures and surprises!!!!

Next week I begin decorating the house on Green Street in Doylestown for the Doylestown Christmas House Tour. 

And so, I have two wishes for you this day.  One is that you decide to view others that you work closely with you with the MOST RESPECTFUL INTERPRETATION. 

 My second wish for you this day is that you can dream up some fun adventures and surprises for those you love.  They make you feel like one of Santa's Elves!    I gotta go find my Santa Hat!
Ho Ho Ho!!!  (smile)



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Good Evening My Dear Friends,
I had a Synchronistic Moment today.  It was a blue moment, a God wink.   A few weeks ago, I went to Bon Ton to purchase my lip liner.  Lancome` makes a beautiful lip liner pencil.  However, they didn't have my color.  "Mars"   I purchased  two of the same lip liner in 'Raisinberry" and Debbie the Lancome` saleswoman said call us and when we get "Mars" in, you can come in and exchange the Raisinberry for the Mars!  I like Debbie.  She is good at what she does.

 Anyway, I have called a few times and today was my lucky day.  I went to Bon Ton after school and exchanged my lip liner.   On the way out the door, a young woman was coming in.  She looked so cute.  She was wearing a Mount St. Joseph Academy uniform.  I said, " Hi, do you go to the Mount?"   She said, "Yes I do!"   I said, Hello, I am Mrs. Keane.  My daughters graduated from the Mount in 2004 and 2006.  I love the Mount."  She said, I am Katie, and I am a sophomore.  We talked about Sister Kathleen, and Sister Joanie.  She told me she loved going to school there.  My heart warmed.  I said, please tell  your parents that you are a lovely young woman and don't forget to thank them for sending you there. It is an excellent school.  Please tell the Sisters that Marialyce Keane said hello and that I was asking for them.  She said she would do just that.  She was adorable. 

Then I said, by the way, what is your last name.   She said, "I'm Katie Mars.   Mars......   just like the planet. "   I could not believe it.  I asked her if she knew what a Synchronistic Moment was.  She replied, no.  I said well it is meaningful coincidence, or I call them God winks.   I said, I have been trying to get this lip pencil for weeks and it just came in so I ran over to pick it up.   I showed her the box and she looked at the name of the color.   She said, wow....that is amazing.  I said, I think so too....It is my way of knowing that I am in alignment with my true calling in life, my highest intention.  I get such a thrill when they happen to me.  Katie said, Mrs. Keane it was very nice to meet you.  So sweet!

And so, my wish for you this evening, is, you guessed it....  That you experience your own God wink, or Synchronistic Moment.  I hope it makes you feel all warm and wonderful inside, just like I feel right now!

En` Joy,


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Good Evening Friends,
Busy weekend!   Yesterday I had such a fun day.  My friend, Joan and I shared our fourth annual day of togetherness.  We share the same birthday and instead of purchasing gifts for each other, we spend quality time (and quantity time) with each other at the same time every year.  We had so much fun.  We start out with breakfast at 'Good Eats' a great diner in Doylestown.  It is always packed, but this time we ate at the counter and were seated immediately!  Breakfast was out of this world.  I had a spinach, feta and goat cheese omelet and Joan had eggs benedict.  We shared a corn meal pancake which I highly recommend.  My mouth is watering as I write this!   Soooo good.

Then we headed up to Chestnut Hill for a day of walking and  talking and shopping.  It was a gorgeous day, the weather was perfect.  Although we did not discuss this, I think our favorite store in Chestnut Hill is the Hill Company.  Beautiful things for your home and garden.  They were decorating for Christmas and just like last year, I felt like I was in Santa's workshop.  Linda, the owner was in the throws of decorating a tree and Kim her right hand woman was so helpful to Joan and me.  We made our purchases and headed off to the other Hill and Company Store in Worcester.  Linda decorated that store already and it was magnificent.  She has the magic touch for decorating.  Joan and I also went to Home Goods where we found items that we could use to decorate at a more cost effective price point.  We had so much fun sharing, laughing and learning.  Later we met our husbands for dinner at the Publick House in Wycombe, PA.   We all enjoyed our meals and thought the service was excellent.   It was such a great day!  So for Joan and I it was a 9AM to 9PM day of bliss.  I don't know how I got so lucky as to have Joan as my dear and treasured friend.  I am very blessed.

When I think about all my friends.....  I am truly humbled that I get to be among such wonderful, caring, talented....truly magnificent people.  I know I am blessed.  Thank you, God, for the gift of my friends and family.

On another quick note, I don't think we will be getting Riley.  One of the girls in the family that owns her does not want to part with this little darling.  I don't think that she will be coming to visit us this Thanksgiving.  Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned in this experience, somewhere.  I will have to  pray about it.

And so, my wish for you today, is that you think about your dear friends and make a date to share time together.  Those friends are the jewels in your life.  You deserve to shine brightly among them.



Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hello Friends,

Today was a great day!  I had a Council meeting of all the leaders of the club at school.  We asked the students to write an essay telling us what the club means to them, what talents they could bring to the club as a whole and why they want to be a leader of the club.  We have  11 members who were inducted into the club and all were eligible to write an essay.  Seven wrote an essay and let me tell you, they were inspiring, and from the heart.  At the meeting today they were all excited, collaborative, and very generous with their talents, skills and creativity.  They were leaders, all were expressive.  I was amazed and proud at how much they want this!  I call them my Sensational Seven!

The club has many pledges, those who are seeing if this club fits within the framework of their lives.  There are 8 more students,  who continue to come to meetings and see what 'it' is all about!    Keep `em coming!!!!  At this point in time there are approximately 20 people  in the club!  

I received this quotation in an email today:

"Be happy, noble heart, be blessed for all the good thou hast done
and wilt do hereafter, and let my gratitude remain in obscurity
like your good deeds."  ~ Alexandre Dumas,    The Count of Monte Cristo

I look upon this quote as a God wink.    I am very happy!   I know that this club is necessary in the lives of young people.   Offering them an option to choose to live an amazing, beautiful, harmonious life of greatness and excellence as opposed to succumbing to the pitfalls that will present themselves in their lives is an opportunity for them to soar!  These young people were empowered today!   Their energy was palpable.

And so, my wish for you this evening is that you have an opportunity to help another human being to see that they are worthy of fulfilling their highest potential and then help them to achieve it! 

En` Joy,


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Good Evening Everyone,

I received the most wonderful surprise yesterday!  When I returned to school after a weeks absence, due to Hurricane Sandy, there was a wooden plaque on my desk.  It moved me to tears.  Who would be so generous as to create this gift for me.  Who knew how much this would mean to me?

 I contacted my counterpart advisor at the 'other' school.  I said, Dave, did you have a sign made for me?  Did You make this sign for me?   He said, Marialyce, I have no idea what you are referring to.  I did not give you a sign.  Honestly, I did not.  Hmmm.. If not him then who?   I asked another person and have decided that I do not want to know who gave me this treasured gift.  This person is my Santa Claus.  I felt like a child on Christmas morning when I saw this gift.  I LOVE THIS GIFT!

I took the sign up to Dave yesterday, because he was addressing the faculty about the club.  This would be the first time that the club has been spoken about publicly.  I wanted to show my support.  When I showed Dave the sign he said, Wow, Marialyce, I wish I was the person who gave that to  you.  Then later he said, I want one too....  Do you know Santa too, Marialyce?  A reference to the book, The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell.  I have been referred to as the Connector, one of the three personalities listed in the book, needed to have a successful business.  (The other two are the Maven and the Salesman)
 Little does Dave know... (I know he was making a joke,) but my wheels are already in motion.  Oh my goodness, that would be one of the most exciting presents that I could give this Christmas.     

I want to show you the sign, and the oath that we take at every meeting.  It humbles me to be a member and an advisor of this club.

And so, my wish for you this evening, is that you have a wonderful surprise awaiting you.  I hope someone makes you feel blessed, like a child on Christmas Morning.



Sunday, November 4, 2012

Good Evening My Dear Friends,

Today was the MOM (Mary our Mother) Heart of the Home day of renewal for all women, 18 and older, held at Archbishop Wood High School.  It was a beautiful day of reflection on all the blessings that have been bestowed upon  us.   I was the afternoon speaker.  I was delighted to speak on the gift of faith and how it has manifested in my life.  I was not nervous about speaking, I actually love it!  I enjoy the feeling of having that 'something,' ( perhaps it is the Holy Spirit,) take over and I become the messenger.   It is not about the ego, it is about feeling so divinely inspired that I am merely a vessel for God.   I could do this everyday for the  rest of my life.  It is exhausting afterward.  I could take a nap.  But it is exhilarating and makes me feel joy within my heart.

There were 61 women present today.  One woman came up to me afterward and said, you spoke directly to me.  I feel as though that message was for me.  She thanked me for speaking.  I am thankful that I am able to be of use in my life.  I figured that if 10 per cent of the women there said something to me that was positive, then I would know, confidently, that I should continue.  I must say that after six women expressed gratitude or some positive affirmation, I stopped counting and just said, God, I am soooo thankful that I get to do YOUR will.  I love being chosen to be Your Messenger to others.  I would be a fool for YOU GOD! 

I got to spend some time with my friends, Annmarie and Cathy.  Deanna and Emma came to share the afternoon with us.  Aunt Dee was there in spirit.  We all said the Rosary, shared Mass, Reconciliation and Adoration, and had a lovely meal together.  It was a memorable day.

We return to school tomorrow.  I am really excited to see my students again.  I miss them and their smiles.  The Club that 14 of us were inducted into Friday a week ago, will be in full gear tomorrow.  All members will be wearing their black bands, reminders to us, to choose to live to our highest intention.  To date I have received three application essays for Council consideration and one more that will be received shortly.  I can tell you I want all 4 of these exceptional young people on Council.  All of the members of our club are leaders, however, they are all involved in so many other activities, work, and sports that they have limited availability and time to devote to Council.  They all make me very proud.  They are outstanding people choosing to live an amazing and beautiful life of excellence. 

And so, my wish for you today is that you, too, are living the life you are meant to lead.  I wish that you recognize that you are living your highest intention.  If you don't think you are, then I recommend sitting quietly, by yourself, and asking for guidance.  Ask God to tell you exactly what He wants of you in your life.  I can tell you that you will get an answer.   It may come to you in an odd way, it may reveal itself to you in a very blatant manner or it may be obscure.  I can tell you for sure, that you will know.  There will be no mistaking it.  And when you know, it will be the most wonderful, empowering experience.  Have Faith!



Thursday, November 1, 2012

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Oh Happy Day,
We have borne the wrath of Sandy, a very intrusive, unwelcome visitor, and our power has been restored through the night.  We have been without power for days.  I learned from this experience that I am NOT a camper girl.  I can not even express how delighted I am to be a warm, soft, smooth, clean, fresh smelling woman once again.   Yeah!   Thank you, God and PECO for giving us POWER!

 Over the course of the last several days, we have not had school.  Our family was together, all of us, plus Shawn's friend, Lauren for two days, which was delightful!  We played games, cooked together, and even decorated for Christmas!  YES WE DID!   Our home looks festive, is warm and cozy now and we are ready, prepared to experience the most wonderful time of the year.  I love Christmas.  We will be hosting 14 for Thanksgiving this year and we will have our Special Ed graduates for our Third Annual Holiday Gathering!  So I am really excited!  And we may be expecting Riley too.  That would be quite special.

During this major inconvenience, we took a shower and went to our friend's home,
The Lynch Family, to use their electricity to dry our hair.  We went in separate cars.  When we returned home, Lindsay and Shawn were on the driveway looking at us.  They asked Jim, how they were going to get in the house.  Our home is like Fort Knox these days, nobody can get in, since the burglary, between the locks and the alarm. The back door is locked tight.  The front door, we never got keys made, because we always used the garage door.  And now, because of the power outage, when I left the house, I tripped the automatic opener, but negligently closed the door and it locked.   What a nightmare.  NO LIGHT, NO POWER.  We went to our angels next door, the J's and fortunately, Tim, Mary and Erin helped us with a ladder.  Shawn climbed up the back of the house and was able, after much ado, to get in to our home through our bathroom window.  Jim was calling to Shawn, there is water in the tub, be careful you don't fall in!   What a fiasco.  Lindsay was yelling to Shawn to be careful and all we heard back were are names in annoyance. Shawn was a woman on a mission.  SHAWN IS OUR HERO!  She is truly unbelievable.  She is training for a 5K run this weekend and I think she is in tip top shape. God Bless Shawn!   

At this precise moment, I am waiting to hear if we will have school tomorrow.  It seems to me that it would be fiscally irresponsible for the district to open the school for one day and heat all the buildings to the tune of thousands of dollars. I also just learned that our school still does not have power.  When I spoke to my friend, L, at school, she mentioned that she read my blog!  Wow, I didn't think anyone was reading, I have not heard from anyone in a long time.  I decided a long time ago, that my reason for writing this blog was for my girls.  I know that they don't want to be bothered with my thoughts on things.  But I think they may want to know someday.  I wish that I could have one more conversation with my mother.  Get my Mom's thoughts on different issues. I lost my Mom 20 years ago, and my Dad 10 years ago.   I think by blogging, that perhaps if they would like my opinion on something after I am no longer living, then I will still be providing help.  They also get to read or listen to me 'talk' on their time, and I understand that.  So Thank YOU, L, for encouraging me to continue blogging, you gave me hope today.   

I made two phone calls today, one to Caremark, our prescription company and one to Aetna our medical insurance company.  For over a year I have been trying to locate Roland in the Customer Service Department of one of these companies. Between last August 4 and August 24, I went to Target to buy robes that zipped up the front.  I needed to be comfortable after my mastectomies and thought these would be a wise purchase.  I sat in the Target parking lot in  my car having a nervous breakdown talking to Roland.  I wanted to find out how much money this surgery was going to cost my family and how much my Tamoxifen was going to cost us on a monthly basis.  I have to take this drug for 5 years post surgery. 

When I called the two companies, they see that I have been calling ( today was the third time) to find Roland.  I informed them why I wanted to reconnect with him.  I was sobbing on the phone to Roland telling him about my life August a year ago.  I said I had a magnificent  life.  All my dreams came true. I was blessed with great parents, family and friends.  I have a great husband of almost 30 years and two healthy, adult, educated daughters.  What more could a woman ask for. There is no history of Breast Cancer in my family and NOW I WILL LEAVE A LEGACY OF BREAST CANCER FOR MY GIRLS.  I was devastated.  I tried to live a good, healthy life.  This was now my journey.
It has been 15 months and I want to thank Roland personally for his kind words.  They lifted me up in my darkness.  This is what he said, "You are a blessed woman.  I would like you to consider this.... Your legacy for your daughters will not be that you had breast cancer, but that you were strong enough to beat it.  He said, perhaps all the woman that came before you in your family would not have been strong enough to endure this illness."  OH HOW HE EMPOWERED ME.   Roland was my angel.  I have tried to find him and no one seems to be able to do so.  I have gone to supervisors and asked for help.  I even said if he was unkind to me you would have found him, but you can't find him if he was wonderful to me?   I have considered that he was just an angel sent by God to talk me off the proverbial cliff.   Whatever, the outcome, I love you Roland.  You are my angel.  I recognize you as such, and I am grateful.

On another note, I will be praying for Denise, my friend L's sister who just had breast cancer surgery.  It is such a cruel and inhumane disease.  My prayer is that they got her cancer and that she will live a full and extraordinary life.  

On Sunday, I give my talk on Faith at Archbishop Wood High School.  I am excited to do so.  My friend Annemarie, sent me the most beautiful card, encouraging me and lifting me up.  She reminded me of Roland and I think I have to mention him in my talk on Sunday.  Even today, L said that was a good story, when I shared about Roland.  Who knows, perhaps we will find him, after all this time.

I also spoke to our friends, The Lynch's, and their beach home is fine.  Our friends The Biglin's had water in their first floor, but when I spoke to Karen, she was very much on it, and had a positive attitude.  Which confirms my thought that you can not control what happens to you in life, but you can control how you respond to the adverse situations. 

And so, my wish for you tonight is that you have power in your home, that you give all your power to God, and that you are empowered to do HIS WILL!

En` Joy,
