Sunday, September 30, 2012

Good Evening Friends,

Late this afternoon I had a delightful visit with my friend Annmarie.  Annmarie has been my friend for 23 years.  We met years ago when I was a La Leche League Leader in Philadelphia.  Annmarie trusted me to help her care for her little girl, Maryrose.  Maryrose and her son Casey were here today, as well.
 While they were visiting a soft rain fell.  Lo and behold, following the rain was the most beautiful double rainbow.  We all gathered on the front porch to view this magnificent sight.  Annmarie mentioned that her Mother loved rainbows and we both viewed the vision as confirmation of our Mothers' smiling upon us.  Rainbows are one of my top ten favorites.  When I view this majestic gift from God, all I can do is simply say thank you.  Witnessing a rainbow is a blue moment for me.  Rainbows take my breath away!   What takes your breath away?   What are your requirements for a 'blue moment?'

Annmarie knew my Mom.  She remembers the special relationship we shared.  Seeing her today, helped me remember wonderful moments.  Annmarie brought peace to my soul.  She is my 'gold friend', as opposed to my 'silver friend,' we have a history.  Even though we have not seen one another in years, it was as if no time had passed.   Annmarie is going to attend the MOM Heart of the Home Day of Retreat at Archbishop Wood High School on Rt. 263 and Street Road in Warminster on Sunday, November 4, 2012.   I am the afternoon speaker and the topic is Faith.  I am looking forward to sharing on that day.  It will be a  wonderfully rejuvenating and pleasant day.  All women are welcome to attend, and are welcome to bring a friend.

And so, with the visit of my dear friend today, I am reminded that people may not remember what you did, they may not remember exactly what you say, but they always remember the way you make them feel.  Annmarie, you and our rainbow were my God winks today.  You helped me know that public speaking and sharing my experiences are part of my destiny, my legacy, and that no matter time or space being my authentic self can help others to feel inspired.  Thank you for always making me feel good about being 'me' when I am with you.

And so, tonight I wish for you, my friend, the experience of one of your top ten favorite things.  I hope it comes as a surprise for you, just as mine did, late this afternoon.  Oh, the joy of a magnificent surprise!

En` Joy,


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Good Morning to You,

I am doing my best to stay on the high that took place yesterday when I spoke to a group of high school students at the 'other' high school.  The topic was positive energy and I felt happy and pleased with my presentation.   A dear friend, Cathy, attended the talk and said  "You held a room of 30 teenage kids on a Friday afternoon listening to every word that came out of your mouth.  Your words are empowering."  I am most grateful for these kind words and all the kind words of the students and teachers who so graciously welcomed me and acknowledged me yesterday afternoon.

So why is it that life can sometimes just throw a fast ball, and knock you down so quickly.  It happens so often.  Just minutes before I left to go give my talk, someone shared their disappointment with me over something that I had done.  My intention was to uplift, to make the person happy.  But what happened is, I didn't truly consider every single person involved and ruffled a few feathers.  The feathers of someone I care about very much.  Simultaneously, another situation occurred and I did my very very best to help one of our students.  The student thanked me for helping her. 

So, I have one person upset with me, for something that even in this moment I feel very excited about that will take place on Monday.  I have a student who needed me and I was, at the very least, able to help her feel validated....and then gave a talk to a club that I am passionate about at another school, and felt successful in that experience.

So why with 2 pluses, am I focusing on that one minus.   I have to find a way to shake off the criticism.  Actually, I am taking it under advisement.  My ego was not my driving force, my focus was on the happiness of the whole, and I believe that the results will be favorable.   I go back to intention.   My intentions were honorable.  I am absolutely OK with myself in my mirror on this one.

And then.......................   I get this email.......................   And all I can say.....Is Thank You, Dear God.

The email from a prominent person, which was sent to hundreds of people....
Included this message:

They may see the good you do as self-serving.
Continue to do good.

They may see your generosity as grandstanding.
Continue to be generous.

They may see your warm and caring nature as a weakness.
Continue to be warm and caring.

For you see, in the end,
it is between you and the kids.
It never was between you and them anyway.

Oh, I am holding on tightly to these words.    Please God, help me to trust that You have a hand in this initiative and that ALL will work out well, come Monday Morning.

And then....just as I am about to sign off......   I learn that our Uncle, Jack Killion, passed away.  
Uncle Jack was the most generous man I have ever known.   For 36 years, that I have been a part of the Keane Family,  (30 married, this coming March),  he has been inclusive and sharing and instrumental in the planning of the most wonderfully memorable and exciting experiential moments of my life.  He consistently shared his time, talent and treasure with everyone who knew him.

Everyone loved Jack Killion!!!!!     This is what will be said at his Eulogy.   He lived his DASH well.

I know when Jesus came for him, and Uncle Jack looked him in the eye....they smiled at  one another.   Jesus, I'll bet, said to Uncle Jack.....  Well done, my good and faithful servant.   And then, I'll bet Aunt Sis was there to welcome him into eternal life with her.   And they walked hand in hand, and danced, just as they always did so beautifully in this life.

God Bless John C. Killion.....  May he rest  in peace.

And so, my wish for you this day,  To simply be thankful that you get to open your eyes and see all the blessings that come your way.  

En` Joy,


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Good Morning Dear Friend,

Yesterday, in Social Studies Class, we were talking about the Ryder Cup Golf Tournament which happens every 2 years. This year it is being held in the United States near Chicago, IL. The tournament started yesterday and will run for 5 days, with the Ryder Cup trophy being awarded on Sunday.

As we were reading, we learned that the Ryder Cup Tournament was not held during WW II, from 1939-1945. When one of my students read this, she said, 1939 line 1945. I said, oh, we read that 1939 through 1945. The dash represents the time that the United States fought in World War II. The war began in 1939 and the war ended in 1949. Another student chimed in, Mrs. Keane, when dates are written that way it can also mean when a person was born and when a person dies. I agreed. I said, and what does the dash mean then?.... She said, it is how long they lived. I said yes, the dash represents the time that the person spent alive on earth.

And then as the bell rang I thought about the poem THE DASH! Are you familiar with the poem, by Linda Ellis? I love this poem.

The Dash

I read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of his friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
from the the end.
He noted that first came the date of her birth
and spoke of the following date with tears,
but he said what matterend most of all
was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
that she spent alive on earth.....
and now only those who loved her
know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own:
the cars...the house...the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard....
are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left.
That can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
to consider what's true and real,
and always try to understand
the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger,
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect,
and more often wear a smile...
remembering that this special dash
might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy's being read
with your life's actions to rehash...
would you be proud of the things they say
about how you spent your dash?
By~ Linda Ellis

And so my wish for you today, is that you contemplate this poem, The Dash! I hope that on this day you consider how you are living and if you are proud of the way you are living your Dash!

En `Joy,


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Good Morning Dear Friend,

I came across this message and I just had to share it with you.   I never thought of myself as a risk taker, however, I think I am.  I know that I want an extraordinary life...whatever that entails and I ask everyday to be chosen as His messenger.  I guess it is risky because I am "asking for it."    And I seem to be chosen  to exit my comfort zone quite often!    So here is the message, sent to me via an ordinary person that contains some extraordinary challenges.   What do you think?.........

"Dare to Be"

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

When you're feeling tired, dare to keep going.

When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

When love hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you've done your best.

Dare to be the best you can -

At all times, Dare to be!"

― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

And so, my wish for you today, is Courage.  Look at your challenges that present themselves to you and "Dare to Be."

En` Joy,


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Good Afternoon My Friend,

Today is such a beautiful day, the weekend was absolutely delightful.   I would like to share a few exciting moments that recently occurred.   Perhaps you will be happy for me. I hope so.

Yesterday, my Plastic Surgeon, Bill Scarlett, invited me to his office to be interviewed for a book he is writing with his friend and colleague, Steve Young.  Steve was kind enough to give me a signed copy of a book he has already published, entitled Great Failures of the Extremely Successful.  

I spent an hour and a half in the office being interviewed and videotaped for the book being written and for a presentation on COMPASSION, that Bill will be giving to medical students in the next month. 
Steve was very happy with what I shared and HOW I shared it, with conviction and truth.  He said, that if Bill Scarlett ever did a commercial for his practice, that the videotaped clip of my thoughts shared, would be perfect. (smile)

 I can't tell you how pleased I was to hear him affirm my efforts.  I am so truly grateful for my doctors.  Beth DuPree saved my life, and Bill Scarlett preserved my sanity
(stop laughing, I am so sane!!!  haha) for he truly gave me his masterpiece.   I say this with complete humility, gratitude and respect . I am deeply grateful to be whole again.  Their collaboration, synchronicity, and friendship is a testimony to their excellence in choosing how to proceed in the best possible way for the good of the patient.  They each call the other to greatness, and the result is the HIGHEST INTENTION for their patient.  This is my truth.  Thank you DEAR GOD, for their brilliance and humility.  They are Masters in their field.  I am thankful that they live and work in geographically desirable locations near to me. God Bless their minds and God Bless their hands.

AND THEN.....  I receive this quote in my INBOX...... 

 "The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment."   ~Earl Nightingale

Remember my recurring dream???

My goal in life is to live an extraordinary life of gratitude and service.   That is it.    I don't want mediocrity.   I realize that I am inviting in challenges and adversity, but I am also inviting exceptional experiences. 

 My friend Joan called me during my interview.   When I returned her call and shared with her, this and another experience that I will share with you at a later date, this is what she said to me.   Marialyce, you are open to all life experiences and you are receptive (To all your God Winks). 
God Bless Joan.  I felt validated in that conversation.  Then I later visited my friends Pat and Tom. Pat said, you are fulfilling your life's purpose.  God Bless Pat.  Tom said to me a year ago, Marialyce, I think you should consider sharing your story and encourage women to get their mammograms.   I am grateful for my friends and for their acknowledgement.  In this past year, I have become an Inspirational Speaker.

At this moment, I feel the need to reprint the quote from Steve Jobs....

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”  ~Steve Jobs.

An so, my wish for you this day is that you find your path to fulfillment.   I hope that your Passion will be your navigation system.  Buckle up, and enjoy the ride!
En` Joy,

Saturday, September 22, 2012

OH MY GOODNESS!  IT HAPPENED AGAIN!  Another Blue Moment! We were playing Hangman for the last few minutes of class.  One of the students raised their hand and chose some words.  It was a different student from the last time.  This student also declined any help with spelling.   There was an error and we could not figure out the message.  She asked another adult in the classroom for the correct spelling of the last word and then we were all able to understand the message.  I sat in the classroom with a substitute PCA, Jane, and we were dumbfounded.   I took a picture and will share the message that we all read and received yesterday.   I am so thankful that I was there to see it.  I am in awe of my student whose inner light shines brightly!  Thank you, sweetie!  And I could not agree with you more, We all need a little faith!

Then I received this message through email... Entitled Your Gratitude Burst by Paul B. Taubman, II.  The quote was :

"To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.  Truly appreciate those around you and you'll soon find many others around you.  Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it."   ~Ralph Marston

I am in direct alignment with this quote.  I am so thankful that I get to be with my students everyday.  I am thankful that I get to have my wonderful family.  Where would I be without them?   I am grateful for all my friends and coworkers who I get to share life with.  I am grateful for every experience that crosses my path, the good and not so good.  For in the end, I realize that I am prepared to handle everything that comes my way.  I believe that I am able to do so because of divine providence.  I want to live my life with Grace!  ;-)

And so, my wish for you this day, is that you are open to your Blue Moment.  To your God Wink or Wink from the Cosmos.  These moments happen to all of us, but we may dismiss them as merely a coincidence.  For me, I view it as acknowledgment that I am doing God's Will.   I invite these Blue Moments into my life.  In addition to wishing you Blue Moments, I wish for you that you FEEL gratitude for all the blessings in your life.  The more the merrier!  Right~

En ` Joy,


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Good Evening All,

Thank you for reading my blog.....  Your comments, thoughts and conversation, via email, text or in person, mean a great deal to me. You are most welcome and I consider all your suggestions and stories.

We spent this past weekend in Lancaster, PA.  It was a truly wonderful 3 day weekend, spent at the Richmond House Bed and Breakfast in New Holland, PA.  Thank you to my cousins, Tess and Fred for this creative, generous and thoughtful birthday gift.   My family, Aunt Teresa, (I call her Dearie, she is my Mother's sister) cousins, Tess and Fred, Mary Lee and Tom, and Lisa and Michael all live in surrounding towns, namely Ephrata, Narvon and Lititz, PA.  My cousin, MaryAnn also joined us  from Harleysville, PA. We shared time, laughter and love.  We got to hold Lisa and Michael's son, Liam.  Oh what a precious, beautiful boy.  We had lunch at Udder Choice where I got my favorite, chicken salad club sandwich, YUM!   We went to the Sight and Sound Theater to see Jonah! The props were Disney quality and the show was outstanding. Thank you, Mary Lee and Tom for this special birthday present.  Mary Lee, you have the best ideas.  I love the way you think! We toured the surrounding areas and venues, including Moon Dancer Vineyards and Winery,  John Wright Restaurant and Lauxmont Farms.  It was a beautiful time away, most enjoyable.  I love my family.  They are generous, kind, have a wonderful sense of humor and they are delightful.  Caring, considerate and loving....  That is my family.   I am so fortunate that I belong to such a wonderful clan.

Upon our return my cousin, Mary Lee, who knows that I love words sent me the following message:

Make Today Count~

Three Things we cannot recover in life:

The WORD after it's said,  The MOMENT after it's missed, and The TIME after it's gone.

My wish for you today is that you Make Today Count and that you treasure your loved ones.

En` Joy,


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hello Friend,

I am going to continue with the Third Agreement.....Don't Make Assumptions.  We all do this.... we make assumptions about what others are thinking or doing.  We take things personally and then blame the other person.  The problem with making assumptions is that we believe that they are true.  Generally speaking, we only see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear.  Doing so is only asking for problems in our relationships.   There is a way to avoid this problem and that is to ask questions for clarification.  Communication is paramount.   Another way is to not have expectations.  If you don't have expectations, then you won't be disappointed.  There will be no need to assume anything.

This is one agreement that is quite a challenge for me.  I think because I don't always want to keep asking questions, because the person will think I am being nosy, when really all I am doing is caring.  To avoid the conflict of "why are you asking,"  I assume and then I get on the hamster mobile, going around and around with the 'situation.'

The Fourth Agreement is  .....  Always Do Your Best.   This last agreement allows the other agreements to become deeply ingrained habits.   Our best will be different depending on how we feel physically and emotionally.  If we are exhausted our response to a circumstance will be different than if we are rested.   Doing our very best, means that we will live without regrets.  When you look in your mirror, you will know with a certain confidence that you have lived your truth.   Doing your best, allows you to be fully alive and in the moment, because you don't have to think about the action, you just do it!   It is freeing and empowering.

My wish for you this day, is to choose to assume nothing and choose to do your best.  Remember we only are going to get one September 18, 2012, in all of our life.  This is it..... Carpe Diem!

En` Joy,


Monday, September 17, 2012

Hello My Friend,
I have been on a wonderful weekend getaway these past few days and did not have access to my computer.  I will share some highlights in a future blog, but for now want to continue with the second of The Four Agreements.  The Second Agreement is Dont' Take Anything Personally.  This can be a very challenging concept to uphold.

What one must accept within this agreement is that what others say and do is a projection of their own dream and has nothing to do with you!  If we accept what others say as truth, than there is a propensity for us to be affected emotionally.  If we choose not to care what others think about us, than their behavior or words will be ineffective.

If others disagree with our beliefs, then often times we try to defend what we ourselves believe.  If someone gets angry with us, it is because they become fearful of the fact that what they believe is being challenged by what we believe.  If we are aware of this then it is possible to dispel the negative energy and choose to think positively.  It seems so simple to do, until we are faced with an actual situation.

I remember being in a situation like this, where I felt that I was being treated poorly.  I didn't know how to change the situation.  It continued to occur and was driving me crazy.  Every time I made a suggestion, it was shot down.  I began to take it personally.  Some said, the reason that my ideas were not looked upon favorably and used was because the people were jealous of my idea.  That explanation just didn't make sense because I was not out to get accolades or any sort of recognition for the idea.  I just wanted the goodness of the idea to prevail.   It was not until someone shared this explanation, that I finally could accept why my ideas were not being valued and was able to move past the situation and on to not taking their dismissal of my idea personally.   Here is what someone said to me, what I wrote down, and what I now KNOW to be my truth.   

"SOMETIMES, FOR SOME REASON, OTHERS FEEL LESS IMPORTANT, WHEN SOMEONE ELSE DOES SOMETHING OF VALUE."     Oh my goodness.....  this is exactly what was happening to me... The others were feeling less important in their position, because I was offering ideas that were good and of value.   Eureka!!!!    From that moment on, I was able to expect that my ideas were not going to be accepted, and decided not to take anything personally.  It, quite frankly, made me feel more worthy of my ideas and free to acknowledge them as good!   It was a life lesson.

And so, on this evening, my wish for all of you, is that you decide not to take anything personally.  You are worthy of your thoughts and ideas and for that reason alone they are good.

En` Joy,


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good Evening Everyone,
Years ago, my friend Patty gave me a little book called The Wisdom from The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz.   Are you familiar with The Four Agreements?   I will talk about the First Agreement in this blog and the other 3 in subsequent blogs.

The First Agreement is the most important and the most difficult to honor.    It is "Be Impeccable with Your Word."   In the book it says; "The word is a force, it is the power you have to communicate, to think, and thereby to create the events in your life."  "Being impeccable with your word means using your energy in the direction of truth and love for yourself.  How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself is directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word."

Recently, I joined the Bucks Mont Speakers Bureau.  I am very honored and proud to be a member of this organization.  I will be speaking at the end of the month to group of young people and my topic will be focused on positive energy.  There is negative and positive energy.   The degree to which you attract or repel others is in direct correlation to your own self esteem.  Positive energy = Attraction.  Negative energy = repulsion.  If we choose to speak positively, behave in a manner which is positive, then the tendency is to attract.  When you attract, speaking your truth is the only way to sustain.

I invited a student today to join the club I am starting at our school.   I told her that she is the first student to be invited and I shared with her the reason that I chose her.  She is such a bright light in the halls of our school.  She smiles, she speaks well of others, looks you in the eye when she speaks to you, greets you warmly by name.  She is delightful.  She has positive energy.  She is attractive, not merely because of her physical attributes, but because of her inner light which emanates from within.  She is a pleasure to engage in conversation.  I was explaining to her that she has the "It Factor."  The "It Factor," from my perspective is positive energy, enthusiasm, passion and a joie de vivre! 

This club which will be calling individuals to their personal excellence and greatness, will require that we are impeccable with our word.  It will be a challenge, but hopefully we will all step up and choose to live and speak our truth.

And so, I am sure you can guess what I wish for you this evening.  I wish that all of you will choose to be "impeccable with your word."   The level of respect, the level of attraction that comes from this choice is palpable.

En` Joy,


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Good evening my friend,

I went to school this morning and found a beautiful little purple envelope in my mailbox.  Quality stationary is one of my favorite things.   I love fine paper and pens. They make me happy.  (weird, I guess, but it is a sensual thing...they feel good in my hand)

 When I opened the envelope, there was a lovely thank you note from a very special woman that I have the pleasure of working with in our building.  I don't see her everyday, but when we meet, we always greet each other warmly, not merely pleasantries.  She said to me, in the note, that I was a ray of sunshine.
 I am picturing a ray of sunshine! To think that someone thinks of me in that regard, not only warms my heart, but it brings a tear to my eye.  I am so humbled.  She said, you have no idea how good you made me feel at a time when I needed it the most.   Truth is, you would never guess that she needed anything. She is so professional, attractive, and pulled together. She is highly respected and is a Master Teacher. I am deeply thankful that I was someone who helped her, provided a message of optimism when she needed one.  Her note made my day!  Thank you, my friend.

Before 7 AM, I was already smiling!

Then I received an email from another friend.  We have been friends since January.  We met at Starbucks...and I would like to share this story.

 I was waiting to meet my friend of 30 years in Starbucks when this beautiful child, a little girl, dressed in a crisp navy blue dress, with bright eyes and a blue bow in her hair, said to me....  Are you sitting there all by yourself.   She was turned around in her chair and obviously waiting for someone.  I smiled and said, I am waiting for my friend.  The child said, where is your friend?  I said, Oh, she is on her way, I got here a little early. 

This little girl continued engaging me in conversation.  She said, what is your name?   I stood and walked over to her, looking for the adult who accompanied her, wanting that person to know that I was not going to do anything to cause alarm.  I saw the woman who was with her and waved as she brought the beverages to the table.  I looked back at this beautiful child.  I said, my name is Mrs. Keane.  She said, Hi Mrs. Keane, my name is KP and I am 4 years old.  This is my Mom Mom.  I am having Hot Chocolate today.  I come here on Thursday's with Mom Mom.  It is our special time! 

OH THE CHARM of this little cherub...the awe of this blue moment.  The charisma of this little person!!!!!  I was delighted to meet her.  I was blown away by her spirit.  She was clearly joyful, sweet, gregarious, and oh so confident.  I spoke to her Mom Mom and today, Regina shared a picture of KP on her first day of school.  She is just precious, full of enthusiasm, and eager to learn.  She had her 5th birthday on the 5th of July.  It was KP's golden birthday.   I believe she is a golden child.  Blessed, most definitely.
I have spent quite a few special days laughing, sharing, talking, having fun with this family and I feel blessed to know them.

I would like to share my perspective on these events today.....  I brought joy to my friend and coworker the other day and she in turn made me feel so validated and acknowledged.  My friend Regina, someone I met serendipitiously in Starbucks along with her granddaughter, KP, brought me the same joy through their sharing of their precious moments with me. 

It seems to me that the more I celebrate simple things, the more the simple things radiate goodness and happiness, all around me.  The goodness and happiness we share are like rays of sunshine in our day.  They lift you up,  raise your spirits, make you smile...and for that, and all my magical moments, I am truly thankful.

And so, today, I wish for you, a ray of sunshine....  look for it!  It may come in quite an unexpected form, but nonetheless, will radiate joy!

En` Joy,


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Good Afternoon Reader,

I learned a new word today.  I love words.  The word is Ephphatha.  Ephphatha, pronounced ef-a-tha, is an Aramaic word, meaning to "be open."     I really get a thrill learning new things and trying to figure out how all the pieces of the big puzzle of life fit together.  I believe that each of us have our own pieces to the puzzle of our life...and one day when they are all in place we will view our own personal tapestry!  It will be a wonderful day!   A celebration!  I enjoy being a life-long learner.

In thinking about being open, I pondered my personal Philosophy of Life.  I took a cours,e The Psychology of Personal Awareness, with Dr. Aurora Hill, and it was so enlightening, so thought provoking...interesting to me on so many levels.  One assignment was to develop our own personal philosphy of life.

 My philosophy is this...One hundred years ago, intelligent, interesting and fascinating people lived.  We will never know them because we are alive and they are not.  One hundred years from now, creative, engaging, charismatic people will live.  We will never know them because we will be gone.  Right at this moment, delightful, brilliant, magnificent people are alive and we may never know them because of geography, (they are on the West Coast, and perhaps we are on the East Coast) or some other circumstance. 

 And yet, right now, in this moment we will cross paths in life with someone new.  Why?   Why are we meeting this new person.  I am always acutely aware of the experience of meeting someone new in my life.  I say a silent prayer, PLEASE ALLOW ME TO BE OPEN to this person.  Allow me to receive whatever the gift is that this person is bringing to my life, or allow me to give of myself whatever I am supposed to give to this person.  For I do not believe that this new person is just passing through my life without some specific reason.  I want to be open to the "reason" for the meeting.   I have come to KNOW,  that if I miss the message either in giving or receiving, the person will show up again.  It always amazes me.  

And so, for today, my wish for you is that you are Open to all the messages that will help you live your best life.  Ephphatha my friend!

En` Joy,


Thursday, September 6, 2012


Good Evening,
Today I had a very unusual experience occur in the classroom.  We had a few minutes of time to spare and the students were invited to play a game of Hangman!  One of my students asked to go first.  She took the lead and confidently put the dashes on the board.  When the game was over this is what the message said.....


I was astounded that she would choose these words as the challenge for her classmates.  I asked her where she learned these words....  She said, Mrs. Keane, it is the name of a ride at the amusment park we went to over the summer.  Really? Hmmmm..... 

I had to take a picture of the board as a reminder to me to always take a Leap of Faith!

For me, it was more than just the answer to a game, it was a message.  Be confident in what you are doing. Move forward with the tenacity and passion that you always have for your adventures in life.

For me, the message Leap of Faith was a God wink.   I am in alignment with my true purpose, my highest intention.

Thank you, sweetie, for being my messenger today!

And so, my wish for you this day, is that you too, take a LEAP OF FAITH in your life.   Live your life with a sense of adventure and with a courageous heart!  Exciting things are happening in your life!  It is all about viewing them with an open heart!

En` Joy,


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello My Friend,

I had two experiences today that were noteworthy. I want share them with you.

 In speaking with our principal today, I learned that he was in agreement with our school starting our own club which will be an extension of the club started at one of our other high schools in the district.  I was so happy to hear his words of approval. 

 I emailed the advisor of the club at the other high school and he suggested that I start thinking of our dream team.  I love that title!  After giving this serious consideration, 2 teachers came to mind.  I approached the man first.  I told him all about this club.  The club will call it's members to excellence, to their highest intention.
 As we spoke, he went to the site and read the mission statement.  He turned to me and said, Marialyce I am honored that you asked me.  I was so touched by his response.  He is really an exceptional man and I have had the pleasure of getting to know him and work with him for many years.

 Then, later in the day I asked another teacher to consider becoming a part of the team.  I began to explain that I am hand selecting a certain core group.  She said, Marialyce, I am getting all misty eyed here that you would think of me in that way.  She is really the cream of the crop, and I have known her for over 10 years.  She said, Marialyce, I am honored that you would ask me.

 Wow....  I can't believe that the 2 people that I asked both had the exact same response.  They were honored.  Then I got to thinking about honor.  HONOR.  By definition, the word means integrity in one's beliefs and actions.  High respect, high public esteem.  The privilege of being associated with or receiving a favor from a respected  person, group or organization.  To revere.   I must say that with regard to these two individuals, I am most honored to share my days with them, two highly respected individuals who share their time and talents with the young minds that they are entrusted with each and every day.

The other blue moment that I experienced today was when a friend shared that she was invited to lunch with a woman who was her friend and coworker for many years.  Because it was a momentous occasion for my friend, Connie, her friend treated her to lunch.  She generously picked up the tab as a way of honoring her friend and coworker.   How kind and thoughtful it was and I can tell you my friend, Connie, was truly thankful and touched by this expression of appreciation.   My friend said, it was requested that, if in turn, she paid the kindness forward.  What a special way of honoring this friend and her generosity.  Truth is, not only would the gift of the luncheon be paid forward, but the 'story' of the gift would also be shared.  And you know, by now, how much I am "all about the story!"

So in telling me the story of this most wonderful day shared, Connie said to ME, Marialyce, I choose you.  I want to take you to lunch and treat you, to celebrate your achievement in becoming an inspirational speaker.  Oh MY GOODNESS!   How kind of you, my dear friend, to consider ME.  Here come the tears.  I am humbled that you would ask me!  Connie, also a teacher, said to me.....  "After seeing you speak at the assembly last year, I am positive that you will make a difference.  You will be successful.  The community will be better for it ( having you be an inspirational speaker)."   Oh, Connie, how you have truly touched my heart. 

 Truth is, words inspire me, words lift me up, and move me forward.  They empower me and make me want to do better and be worthy of the thoughts that others have with regard to me.  I am humbled by these loving thoughts.

So, I would love to go to lunch with you, my friend, and I will, in turn pay it forward.....  I would be honored.

And so, my wish for you today, is that you take the time to show your appreciation for another.  Hold them in high esteem, and honor that person in your own special way.  It is amazing how wonderful YOU will feel, when you honor another human being. 

En` Joy,


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Good Evening All,

I absolutely love this quote from Helen Keller.  "The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart." 
What does this quote mean to you?  
To me, Helen Keller is saying some of the most beautiful things in life are intangible.  You can not realize them through your senses, you must experience them within your being.  Some of these experiences could be the feeling of happiness, gratitude, and joy.  I have learned that people who live a life of gratitude everyday, are more tranquil and serene than those who do not.

Today was the first day of school for sophomores.  I was invited over the summer to speak to a group of young people at another high school in the upcoming school year.  The students that are in this club are being called to greatness.  They are a group of young people who are sharing experiences of excellence and I was invited to attend a meeting and be an inspirational speaker.  I am really looking forward to meeting this group of young people who are intrinsically leaders and listening to their stories and sharing some of my own.  I was thinking about this high school club and called the advisor at the other high school.  I  said, not only do I want to speak to the members of this club,  I want to start our own club at our high school.   This is part of his dream.  He would like this club to grow throughout our school district. 
I am hoping to be a part of his dream.  I can feel it.  I want to be surrounded by positive young people  (people of all ages, actually) who feel inspired to do good things, to think outside of the box, to take risks that may possibly motivate others to look introspectively and perhaps choose to share their own talents and gifts with others. 
When I spoke to the group of seniors today who are a part of the student government at our school, they were amenable and enthusiastic for me to continue on my path of inquiry and hopefully to establish this club in our school.   Can you imagine a group of young people sharing, contributing, giving generously of themselves as they are called to their highest intention?   I can FEEL the energy and I saw the expressions of anticipation, agreement and joy at my approaching them to consider joining. 
Being called to your highest intention is a part of becoming self actualized.  What is your true purpose for being here on this earth?  What are you being called to do in your life, that only you can do?

On this evening, my wish for you is to contemplate your innate gifts and have the courage to share them generously.  They are meant to be shared. Why else would you be here on earth at this particular time in life?  It is YOUR TIME TO SHARE! Oh the joy of being around others who are sharing all that they are, so generously with all of us.  Please offer to volunteer and give of yourself for the benefit of others. Imagine their reaction when they get to experience the gift of your authentic self!!!

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart."  ~HK

En` Joy,


Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day....  The end of the Summer!  And yet, the beginning of another school year.  This past weekend was delightful...  Many new beginnings...   Many firsts.....   My cousin had her first baby, Liam and our family is thrilled with his arrival.  Congratulations to the Goddard's!

 My daughter, Lindsay and one of her very first friends, CZ skydived for the first time, after anticipating the event for weeks.  So thankful Dan was there to orchestrate and oversee this wild adventure!  They landed safely and are ready to 'Jump' again!

 A wonderful friend, Stacey, gave birth to her son, Nile, and another friend, Ally got engaged! Oh the joy!   Jim and I were in OCNJ for the long weekend with our dear friends, the Lynch family.  There is something so peaceful about their home, down the shore.  We were all relaxed, there was abundant laughter, sharing, storytelling and serenity.  Tim suggested we go to Mass on the beach in Margate.  This was another first!  We arrived by 6 AM, watched the sun come up over the horizon and gathered with over 100 people in silence before the Blessed Sacrament.  It was truly an awesome moment! 

I can't even begin to express the appreciation and joy that I have experienced all these weeks of Summer.  I have had more adventures, blue moments, laughter, and surprises that I have ever had in one season.  This was the best Summer of my whole life.  I am humbly grateful to all of you who contributed to my joyous, blue moments,  All of you, my dear friends and family.

There are two quotations that come to mind:

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."  ~Seneca

"It is important to honor our firsts, for no matter how hard we try, the moment is unrepeatable!"
~Marialyce Keane

As the day comes to a close, my wish for you is, that you can easily recall, in your sweet memory, all your treasured firsts and new beginnings!

En' Joy,
