Sunday, September 9, 2012

Good Afternoon Reader,

I learned a new word today.  I love words.  The word is Ephphatha.  Ephphatha, pronounced ef-a-tha, is an Aramaic word, meaning to "be open."     I really get a thrill learning new things and trying to figure out how all the pieces of the big puzzle of life fit together.  I believe that each of us have our own pieces to the puzzle of our life...and one day when they are all in place we will view our own personal tapestry!  It will be a wonderful day!   A celebration!  I enjoy being a life-long learner.

In thinking about being open, I pondered my personal Philosophy of Life.  I took a cours,e The Psychology of Personal Awareness, with Dr. Aurora Hill, and it was so enlightening, so thought provoking...interesting to me on so many levels.  One assignment was to develop our own personal philosphy of life.

 My philosophy is this...One hundred years ago, intelligent, interesting and fascinating people lived.  We will never know them because we are alive and they are not.  One hundred years from now, creative, engaging, charismatic people will live.  We will never know them because we will be gone.  Right at this moment, delightful, brilliant, magnificent people are alive and we may never know them because of geography, (they are on the West Coast, and perhaps we are on the East Coast) or some other circumstance. 

 And yet, right now, in this moment we will cross paths in life with someone new.  Why?   Why are we meeting this new person.  I am always acutely aware of the experience of meeting someone new in my life.  I say a silent prayer, PLEASE ALLOW ME TO BE OPEN to this person.  Allow me to receive whatever the gift is that this person is bringing to my life, or allow me to give of myself whatever I am supposed to give to this person.  For I do not believe that this new person is just passing through my life without some specific reason.  I want to be open to the "reason" for the meeting.   I have come to KNOW,  that if I miss the message either in giving or receiving, the person will show up again.  It always amazes me.  

And so, for today, my wish for you is that you are Open to all the messages that will help you live your best life.  Ephphatha my friend!

En` Joy,


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