Sunday, February 24, 2013

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Shawn showed me this today...Kid President.  I am using it this week as an illustration for The Pride.
Check it out....

The topic this week is WORTH....  What is your worth as a human being?  Do you feel valued, important and needed in your life?  Truth is, these feelings of worth are what everyone truly needs in life, even more so than love.  So, I hope you enjoy this message.  I think this kid is phenomenal.  So does Barack Obama!

I had a great weekend.  Joey and George were here for a 24 hour whirlwind. My nephews are 2 and 4.   They run, everywhere.  Are extremely fast, and bright and intelligent boys.  I love them.   Joey told me last year, Aunt Mar, you are so pretty.  Then he told me a few months ago, I like your shoes.  Yesterday he said, Aunt Mar, I really like your hair!    I know he is 4, but I don't care.  I hope he tells me what he thinks the rest of his life!!!!    Ha ha

 Tonight we are going to an Oscar Party.  I only saw Les Miserable and Silver Linings Playbook and they both are up for Best Picture.  I wonder who the winners will be?

And so, for this day, I wish you an AWESOME DAY and an AMAZING LIFE.....  I hope you dance your way to the grand finale!  There is no Encore performance.....

~En `Joy,


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Good Morning Everyone,

As much as I love my work with my students, I really didn't want to come to school today.  I am not feeling great.  A colleague actually thinks that I have something against her.  If she only knew how selfish I have been lately.  I am not even thinking of her.  (shhh)   I have my own things that I am going through.  I think it may have something to do with the need for nice weather.  I want to get out of the house and feel the warm temperatures.  Florida was truly a gift.  Thank you again, Joan and Robert. 

I hope this feeling passes.  I am a much better giver than I am a taker.  Although I am not asking anyone for anything, I listen to my music a lot and play words with friends.  It makes me happy but I know I am less engaged in life.  I have discovered Pandora, an APP on the IPhone, and I am listening to ALL MY FAVORITE SONGS.   I love music.  My auditory sense is my absolute favorite.  I know I have said that 100 times.

Anyway, ENOUGH about me.  I am going to share some words of wisdom that are very inspiring....

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."~  Mother Teresa

(perhaps I should heed this advice with my colleague)

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal:  It is the courage to continue that counts." 
~  Winston Churchill

" A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination." ~  Nelson Mandela

"Leaders aren't born, they are made.  They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal which is worthwhile."   ~ Vince Lombardi 

" We gain strength and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we think we cannot."   Eleanor Roosevelt

And so, if you have words of wisdom to impart, I am open to listening to your thoughts.  I continue to make good choices with my food and my clothing fits well,  two pant sizes smaller.   I look at food and say, nothing tastes as good as thin feels.    I hopefully will be able to wear all the smaller size clothing that hangs in my closet this spring and summer.  That would be a good feeling, and something to look forward to...right?

May you have all green lights as your travel on your journey, may all your favorite songs play on the radio, may you enjoy your favorite meal with someone you love, and may you hear the sound of laughter realizing that it is your own!   Smile!


Friday, February 15, 2013

Good Morning,

Another whirlwind time in my life.  We were in Naples Florida for 4 days with our friends, Joan and Robert.  What a wonderful time shared.  We danced, we had a spa day, we sailed on the Isle of Capri at sunset, and enjoyed the most delectable meals.  We shopped on 5th Avenue and thoroughly enjoyed every single minute.  We love Naples.

I said to Joan, life has a way of sucking you back in very quickly and now we are back to reality. 
We had our Pride meeting yesterday and had a good turnout.  The guest speaker was Detective Hawthorn, my hero, who helped us tremendously with our burglary.  He was interesting, informative and by a unanimous consensus, everyone loved his talk.    I am so thankful.

I showed this video clip at the meeting yesterday about making a difference.  I bought a starfish at The Best Of Everything in Naples and hid it under a chair at the meeting.  I said, whoever finds it, is being invited, chosen to make a difference.  It was a very special moment in the meeting. 

I will share the link to the video clip with you now.  It has been a while since I last posted, and I hope I am not repeating myself.  If I go back and check and it is already posted, well then, just remember, I am 51, and having a senior moment.  

I gave a speech last week, on Breast Cancer at an AARP Meeting.  They invited me to become a member.  I should be thankful that they wanted me....Right?   All about perspective.

And so, please choose to make a difference in the world.  Be the change you wish to see in the world.

En `Joy,


Monday, February 4, 2013

Good Morning Everyone,

Already the 4th day of February!  Spring is just around the corner! 

In our school, we have two girls who are spreading positive messages around the building.  I took a picture of one of the messages to show you.   These girls were inspired to do this after their teacher spoke at our Pride meeting.  These girls are delightful, bright, caring and have a brilliant creative mind.  I want to encourage them on their journey to bring goodness to our school in every way possible.  They are a beacon of light and their light shines ever so brightly.

So here is the message.  Imagine if you were a teenager, perhaps having a negative message running through your mind and you saw this positive message.  I am confident that in that one moment in time, you would smile.

These girls, the creators of the positive messages are making me smile.  I acknowledged their goodness and will be surprising them throughout the remainder of the year with treats and reminders of their generosity of spirit.... Because what goes around comes around.

And so, my wish for you today is that you too find some way to brightens someones day.  It could make all the difference in their world.  Be an inspiration!

En` Joy,
