Some exciting news.... I would like to share a story. In the past year I lost $30.00 which was a collection of money from a group of people at school which was to be given to another, who was the recipient. When I went to give the money to the recipient, I realized it was gone. A student found the money and I was so overjoyed by this selfless action, that I wrote a letter to our community newspaper acknowledging the integrity and honesty of this young woman and praising her for making such a good choice to do the right thing.
We have a district wide program that partners with Outback Steakhouse, honoring students on a monthly basis, who lead by example and commending them for their good deeds. There is an asset that is chosen, November's Asset was Honesty, and I recommended the young woman who found the money.
I wrote an essay about this young woman and learned that she was chosen not only as the winner for our school but as the winner throughout the whole district, for the month of November. Tomorrow at noon her parents, teachers, administrators and the people from the community program will be at school to honor this extraordinary young woman. I am so excited for her. She will be surprised to receive a plaque of recognition, an invitation to a reception along with all the other chosen recipients throughout the school year, which will be held at the end of the year, and a gift certificate for her and her family to Outback Steakhouse. I have come to know her and DC is an exceptional young woman. Actually, her reputation preceeds her.
Tomorrow I also present our Club that I have been working on diligently, since September, to the faculty at our school. I will speak briefly about the club, hopefully igniting their curiosity to learn more about it. I hope that the presentation is well received.
I received an email with the following quotations...
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." ~ Robert Brault
"There are no ordinary moments." ~ Dan Millman
I realize, all too well, how true these statements are and am thankful for my life and all the blue moments that I have experienced. I have a lifetime of precious memories that I can recall so easily in my mind. I can be transcended immediately to that time and place and see myself so happy and content.
Last night we had our friends, Regina and Tom here for dinner. Shawn came home and sat at the table and engaged them in conversation. When she walked away they said, Shawn is delightful. You must be so proud. Jim and I are truly proud of who Shawn is and thankful for the blessing she is in our lives.
And so, my wish for you this day, is that you realize many extraordinary moments, and that you take to heart the following principle that I have learned and am sharing with you. I am sending it under a new post.
En` Joy
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