Hello My Friends,
This weekend flew by. The Doylestown Christmas House Tour was a huge success. The house I worked on was so lovely on Friday evening. Lisa, the lead decorator on the house graced this lovely Victorian home with the most beautiful flower arrangements. The house was alive with the beauty of the season. I also liked the Ball House on the tour, located on Court Street. I don't know who the decorators of that home were but they did an outstanding job.
I also worked for my friend Christopher Willett, a Bucks County impressionist artist. He held his Art Show at his gallery, Village Artworks in Lahaska, Pennsylvania, Peddlers Village. The show was a success and there were so many interesting people who attended the show. One gentleman was Herman Silverman who owns Silverman's Gallery. He commented that Chris Willett was the best living artist in Bucks County today. His art is superior to all other artists. Wow! Mr. Silverman is in his 90's and he knows art. What a compliment to Chris. I really enjoyed working at both events and feel blessed to be doing something that I love, decorating and hospitality.
Our club, The Pride, is gathering more members incrementally. We are fortunate to have another wonderful speaker agree to speak at our next General Meeting on December 20. The topic will be listening to your heart, even when decisions are difficult. The speaker is a dynamic woman in the district who is well respected, interesting and personable. The members of Council are stepping up and doing a great deal of work. All the students are dedicated to The Pride, conscientious and have a strong work ethic. I enjoy working with them.
Shawn shared the most wonderful video with me and I hope to share it with you. It is very moving and captures the true spirit of the Christmas Season. I will provide the link for all of you to view.
And so, my wish for you this evening is that you view the video and Hear the Angel's voices. They are magnificent.
En `Joy,
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