Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Good Evening Everyone,

I have not been blogging because I don't have much to say.  We are sad.  On Monday, one of my students asked to speak to me in the hallway.  She said, Mrs. Keane am I safe here?  She said, "Mom said to ask that question to your teachers."   I looked into her eyes and said, I will do everything I can to keep you and all the other children safe.  Your safety and well being is the most important thing to me.  She started crying and I just hugged her.  I wanted to get her mind off of the tragedy and back on task.
Then I just began looking at all their little faces.  So unknowing and yet they are hearing about the tragedy and are unable to understand.  Even I don't understand.  I thought, I want them to know how I feel.   I said, I want you all to listen to me very carefully.  You are all very good listeners.  You listen to what you are told to do and you do it and that is a very good decision.  I love you very much.  Each and every one of you. I love you.   As I looked into their eyes, they started nodding and said, I Know.   I thought, You know, and yet I have never told you.  I said, I will ALWAYS DO EVERYTHING I CAN TO KEEP YOU SAFE, and because you are good listeners you will follow our lead.  They just get this look in their eye every once in a while and don't say anything.  I just extend my hand and when they extend theirs I cover it with my other hand.  I am winking more at them these days.  How do you reassure a frightened child?  And then multiply that by 24? 

Yesterday, I called the radio station B 101.  Our classroom is B101 and we have had an ongoing relationship for years with the radio station.  The marketing director has given us promotional materials for our classroom, t shirts and even sent Buzz Bee to our high school for an event.  So, we call every year during the holidays and wish the Delaware Valley a Happy Holiday Season and everyone at the radio station welcomes  us warmly.  The kids feel like celebrities.  I guess it doesn't help that I get so excited over the whole thing, like a child on Christmas Morning.  I tell them, get ready because once the recorded message is heard by friends and family you will be asked for your autograph.

The producer of B 101 is a graduate of our high school and said " We love this" ( that we are B101 and that we call and wish everyone happy holidays.)   Our school makes district wide announcements and our superintendent tweets highlights and events that occur in our district.  So everyone will know to tune in to B 101 this holiday season and listen for our well wishes. So festive!
We have been waiting and waiting, but have not heard our message yet.  Today the producer told us that our wishes will be heard between 9 and 2 on Friday.  Stay tuned.

And so we had a few moments of joy today and I believe there will be more.  However, I know that I am even more acutely aware of the gift of life each day and I treasure every moment I share with my students and all my family and friends.
I love you all very much.

My wish for you this evening is that you are granted a moment of joy that lights up your life.

En `Joy,


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