Saturday, September 29, 2012

Good Morning to You,

I am doing my best to stay on the high that took place yesterday when I spoke to a group of high school students at the 'other' high school.  The topic was positive energy and I felt happy and pleased with my presentation.   A dear friend, Cathy, attended the talk and said  "You held a room of 30 teenage kids on a Friday afternoon listening to every word that came out of your mouth.  Your words are empowering."  I am most grateful for these kind words and all the kind words of the students and teachers who so graciously welcomed me and acknowledged me yesterday afternoon.

So why is it that life can sometimes just throw a fast ball, and knock you down so quickly.  It happens so often.  Just minutes before I left to go give my talk, someone shared their disappointment with me over something that I had done.  My intention was to uplift, to make the person happy.  But what happened is, I didn't truly consider every single person involved and ruffled a few feathers.  The feathers of someone I care about very much.  Simultaneously, another situation occurred and I did my very very best to help one of our students.  The student thanked me for helping her. 

So, I have one person upset with me, for something that even in this moment I feel very excited about that will take place on Monday.  I have a student who needed me and I was, at the very least, able to help her feel validated....and then gave a talk to a club that I am passionate about at another school, and felt successful in that experience.

So why with 2 pluses, am I focusing on that one minus.   I have to find a way to shake off the criticism.  Actually, I am taking it under advisement.  My ego was not my driving force, my focus was on the happiness of the whole, and I believe that the results will be favorable.   I go back to intention.   My intentions were honorable.  I am absolutely OK with myself in my mirror on this one.

And then.......................   I get this email.......................   And all I can say.....Is Thank You, Dear God.

The email from a prominent person, which was sent to hundreds of people....
Included this message:

They may see the good you do as self-serving.
Continue to do good.

They may see your generosity as grandstanding.
Continue to be generous.

They may see your warm and caring nature as a weakness.
Continue to be warm and caring.

For you see, in the end,
it is between you and the kids.
It never was between you and them anyway.

Oh, I am holding on tightly to these words.    Please God, help me to trust that You have a hand in this initiative and that ALL will work out well, come Monday Morning.

And then....just as I am about to sign off......   I learn that our Uncle, Jack Killion, passed away.  
Uncle Jack was the most generous man I have ever known.   For 36 years, that I have been a part of the Keane Family,  (30 married, this coming March),  he has been inclusive and sharing and instrumental in the planning of the most wonderfully memorable and exciting experiential moments of my life.  He consistently shared his time, talent and treasure with everyone who knew him.

Everyone loved Jack Killion!!!!!     This is what will be said at his Eulogy.   He lived his DASH well.

I know when Jesus came for him, and Uncle Jack looked him in the eye....they smiled at  one another.   Jesus, I'll bet, said to Uncle Jack.....  Well done, my good and faithful servant.   And then, I'll bet Aunt Sis was there to welcome him into eternal life with her.   And they walked hand in hand, and danced, just as they always did so beautifully in this life.

God Bless John C. Killion.....  May he rest  in peace.

And so, my wish for you this day,  To simply be thankful that you get to open your eyes and see all the blessings that come your way.  

En` Joy,


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